Why Choose Us?
  • Registered Painters and Dulux Accredited
  • Full 15 Year warranty on Dulux products and up to 30 years on Bluescope products and a fully backed unconditional 10 year warranty on workmanship
  • We only use quality roof restoration products to ensure the best roof over your head!

Making Your Roof Last With Care & Maintenance

Take heed: this is the definitive guide to avoiding a roof replacement!


So you’ve got a roof over your head – that’s great – but you want to make sure it lasts a very, very, very long time!

If you’re a homeowner or a landlord, there are a number of steps you can take to maintain your roof. As with any investment, prevention is better than cure. A full roof replacement (also known as a re-roofing) will burn a bigger hole in your bank account than a minor repair or a restoration every few years.

So without further ado – here are some of the best things you can do to take care of your roof and protect your home and contents.

Cleaning the gutters

Gutter cleaning should be undertaken at least twice a year as it helps to prevent blocked downpipes and stop rainwater from leaking into your ceiling cavity. It also happens to be the first step in protecting yourself and your home against fire damage.

To clean your gutters safely, make sure you have everything you need (bucket, gloves, brush) up on the roof to minimise trips up and down the ladder. Sweep the debris from the gutter with your gloved hand while using the other hand to steady the ladder. Put all the debris into the bucket, then follow through with a good sweep of a soft-bristled outdoor scrubbing brush along the gutter bed. If you prefer, you can skip the bucket and just drop all debris onto a tarp on the ground below. The next rain will render your gutters good as new.

Trimming overhanging branches

Overhanging branches will quickly contribute to a build-up of debris on the rooftop. As debris collects, leaves will retain moisture and begin to rot. Large swathes of debris can of course cause blockages in the guttering system and prevent water being effectively diverted from the house. If left too long without a thorough gutter cleaning, debris piles can cause gutters to sag and break away from the house. By checking for and trimming overhanging branches regularly, you can cut down on the number of Saturdays spent cleaning gutters!

Replacing the gutters

Gutters will degrade faster than the whole roof will over time. By keeping an eye out for signs of gutter deterioration, you can prevent water leaking into your roof cavity and racking up a higher damage bill. When cleaning your gutters or inspecting your property, take note of:

  • Cracks or splits of any size
  • Sagging gutters
  • Gutters falling away from the main structure
  • Random pools of water around the foundations of the home – this can signify a blockage directly above.

If you own an older house or have decided to renovate, your gutters may be beyond repair and need replacement. In this case, you can reach out to Advanced Roof Restorations ASAP to prevent catastrophic damage escalation.

Regular roof inspection and restoration

By having your roof inspected regularly, you can make use of a professional service to carry out many roof maintenances tasks that are not recommended for the unqualified. Walking on a roof and certainly carrying tools upon a roof are learned arts best left to the pros. They can handle:

  • High-pressure cleaning of roof tiles
  • Leak rectification
  • Asbestos removal
  • Re-bedding and re-pointing of ridge capping
  • Replacement of broken tiles and ridge caps
  • Inspection and securing of all flashings
  • Sealing
  • Coating
  • Guttering

Roof restoration is particularly vital if your property is older. This is because modern colour coating actually works to prevent further deterioration and can slow the growth of moss and lichen in future. It’s also weather-resistant, which means greater longevity for you. At Advanced Roof Restoration, we also provide you with spare coated tiles to save you having to call out again in the near future.

While these are just a few of the steps you can take to maintain your roof, it’s important not to stray too far into DIY territory. At the end of the day, roofing is a qualified profession! But by regularly trimming branches, cleaning gutters and inspecting your roof you can maximise the longevity of your investment and the value of your property.


9209 3980 Unit 2/21 Oxleigh Drive Malaga WA 6090